Yellow bin

1) Products made of recycled plastic

Products made of recycled plastic are frequently encountered everywhere around us.. Recycled secondary raw materials are used, amongst other things, to produce packaging and new products made of the same kind of material.

2) Mixed plastics

A mixture of various kinds of separated plastics is used, for example, to produce fencing, children’s playgrounds, grass pavers and other products.

3) Unwashed PET flakes

Separated PET bottles are transported to the final separation line, where they are usually separated as to colour. Here you can see bits of variously coloured bottles before washing.

4) Foil agglomerates

One of the ways of processing plastic bags and foils involves “baking” them. In this condition they are added to mixed plastics for further processing.

5) Clear PET flakes, 6) Blue PET flakes, 7) Mixed-colour PET flakes

Single-colour PET flakes are among the most sought-after secondary raw materials.

8) PP regranulate, 9) LDPE regranulate, 10) PET regranulate

Thoroughly separated plastics are processed separately according to the kind of material and optionally also by colour. Re-melting produces granulate which, similar to PET flakes, is a valuable raw material.

11) PET preforms

PET recycling granulate is used to produce PET preforms, from which new PET bottles are blown.

12) White PET fibre, 14) Black PET fibre

Artificial fibres are drawn from PET flakes by heat treatment and are used as thermo-insulation filling in cushions and pillows, sleeping bags or clothing. Similar fibres are used directly for production of polyester textiles.

13) Graphite polystyrene

Graphite polystyrene used as thermal insulation is an exemplary use of separated polystyrene.



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