Grey bin

For the manufacturing of metal packaging, aluminium or iron are usually used. More often that not, grey containers are used for the collection of metal packaging. These containers are designed for smaller metal waste – mostly for only metal packaging. All scrap metal should be taken to buy-back or drop-off centres.

1) Aluminium Packaging

Aluminium packaging is unique for its low weight and excellent protective properties. If you want to recognize aluminium from plastic foil, just fold it. If it stays folded then it is aluminium. Aluminium packaging is usually marked with the recycling symbol ALU or 41.

2) Magnet

Use the magnet to find out the difference between aluminium and iron. Iron is magnetic.

3) Steel /Iron Packaging

Iron packaging is mechanically very tough – this is reason why it is used for making cans. Daily used items made from steel, e.g. pots, knives, forks and spoons, can also be recycled. Iron packaging is usually marked with the recycling symbol FE or 40.

4) Sorted Metals

Metals from grey containers are transported to sorting lines. The main process is automated magnet sorting. At sorting lines iron and aluminium are pressed into large cubes (weight 350-600kg) for transportation to manufacturers.

5) Industrial Off-cuts from Manufacturing

Metals from grey containers are transported to sorting lines. The main process is automated magnet sorting. At sorting lines iron and aluminium are pressed into large cubes (weight 350-600kg) for transportation to manufacturers.

6) Bauxite

A mineral used for the manufacturing of aluminium. This production is extremely challenging. This is the reason why aluminium recycling would not only save bauxite, but 90-95% of energy as well.

7) Iron Ore

Ore for producing iron in the past was mined in the Czech Republic as well. Thanks to the sorting and recycling of iron, we can save a lot of energy and iron ore, too.

8) Aluminium Granules

An example, is the reprocessing of thin aluminium waste into aluminium granules, which are used in the metallurgic industry.

9) Metal Products

The main advantage of recycling metal products is not only the huge saving of energy, but this process can be repeated continuously. From old metals you can make new products without losing any quality.



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