
Landfilling, or waste disposal, is the oldest way to permanently dispose of waste. However, this is a method whereby the vast majority of waste is not used and ends up in the ground. There are a large number of modern landfills in the Czech Republic, which began to be created after 1990 and in many cases still serve today. It should be noted that we can never do without landfills, but it must be ensured that only such waste that can no longer be used in any way ends up there. We distinguish three basic types of landfills. Landfills for inert waste, landfills for other waste and landfills for hazardous waste. These landfills differ in the level of security and the types of waste that can be put there.

Today’s landfills have nothing in common with the old unsecured landfills that were in almost every village. The existing landfills were designed by hydrogeologists. Besides, the construction and operation of a landfill must meet many regulations and obtain a number of permits. A landfill is actually a building made of waste, in which the prescribed procedure must be followed. The landfill itself is usually built in stages, one is always prepared, filled and another is planned during the closure and restoration of the first one. Water that is trapped in the body of the landfill and landfill gas resulting from decomposing biowaste must be collected during the landfill’s operation. The vast majority of landfills use this gas to generate electricity. In addition, after the closure of a landfill, it has a mandatory monitoring period of 30 years.

Companies operating landfills pay fees and must create reserves for restoration and subsequent supervision of the landfill body.



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