Waste-to-energy plants are designed to reduce the volume and weight of predominantly municipal waste. The waste is sanitised during combustion, its volume and weight are significantly reduced and the hazardous substances contained in the waste are captured and stabilised in the subsequent processes. The released energy is used to heat water, generate steam and electricity for households and industry. Other outputs are slag, metal scrap magnetically separated from slag and in some cases also non-ferrous metals. Slag does not contain hazardous substances and is landfilled; metals are handed over for recycling. Hazardous substances that are collected during combustion product cleaning are landfilled as hazardous waste. The composition of combustion products leaving the chimney is constantly monitored and must comply with strict limits.
There are currently four waste-to-energy plants in the Czech Republic. These are SAKO Brno, ZEVO Malešice, TERMIZO Liberec and ZEVO Chotíkov.
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