Another possible waste classification is the classification according to the degree of risks associated with its management. The impact on human health and on individual environmental components, such as soil, water or air is particularly important. While certain types of waste have little impact on health and the environment and their management does not pose more serious risks, there are types of waste that can have a serious impact on living nature, even in small quantities. Therefore, they need to be handled with extreme caution, used or eliminated effectively and the danger they pose must be reduced. In any case, it is necessary to treat waste responsibly and not to underestimate its possible impact on health and the environment.
Hazardous waste is waste that has one or more hazardous properties and, according to the Waste Catalogue, is classified as ‘Hazardous’. For example. hazardous properties include flammability, explosivity, irritant effect, corrosivity, but also mutagenicity, etc. Hazardous waste can also be recycled (e.g. some solvents) or incinerated in hazardous waste incinerators. Before placing them in landfills for hazardous waste, it is necessary to reduce the number of pollutants they contain to the required limit using various chemical or physical methods. The most common methods include neutralisation, biodegradation, stabilisation, solidification and others.
Inert waste consists only of inert materials. This means they do not have hazardous properties and do not undergo significant physical, chemical or biological changes due to the external environment. This type of waste can be used as material or landfilled at landfills for inert waste. A typical example is soil and stones, slag, etc.
This is waste that is not inert and does not have hazardous properties. Most types of waste fall into this category. These types of waste have the probability of recycling, used for energy recovery or deposited in appropriate landfills.
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