Waste transport

Waste transport is the next step in the waste management cycle, following waste disposal in designated locations (bins, containers, bags, collection centres, etc.). Transport plays an indispensable role in the entire sorting and recycling process.

Waste transport is carried out by waste collection companies, which must be equipped with the necessary vehicles and must be authorised to handle waste. Handing over waste to a company that is unauthorised is prohibited.

The initial costs of refuse trucks are high, and using a dedicated vehicle for each individual commodity could be uneconomical. Therefore, the same vehicle may collect different types of waste on different shifts or days.

Waste collection routes are optimised by waste collection companies. In collaboration with municipalities, they set the necessary collection frequency based on the volume of containers and the amount of waste.

Municipal waste collection vehicles can be divided into two basic types: vehicles with an open bed without a press, suitable for glass collection, and rear-loading vehicles equipped with hydraulic press.

Waste collection companies are obliged not to mix the collected waste. Multiple commodities transportation is only allowed with vehicles having two compartments.

Another type of waste collection vehicle is used for collecting large-capacity containers.

All vehicles operating in waste collection must secure the waste to prevent leakage and items dropping off, such as using nets to cover the containers. Strict rules apply to hazardous waste transport. This transport must be reported in advance to the regional authority, through an electronic system. The vehicle must comply with the international ADR regulations.



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