Packaging recyclability

Recycling, i.e. waste material recovery, has a number of conditions that waste packaging should meet. There are certain packaging properties that affect recyclability and these can make further processing more complicated.

Recycling technology in the Czech Republic:

Recycling is a global issue; individual states usually don’t have the technology to recycle everything they produce.

  • We have enough capacity to process glass, beverage cartons and metals in the Czech Republic.
  • Paper and plastics are largely recycled abroad.
  • Plastics are usually crushed and cleaned in the Czech Republic, regranulated to a lesser extent and then exported.
  • We have technology for recycling PET, wraps, EPS in the Czech Republic.
  • Mixed plastics processing is at a good level.

Waste recyclability conditions*
* The term “recyclability” does not exist as such, but it is used to indicate the possibility of recycling waste.

  • material volume – it is worth investing in technology for its recycling
  • material value – it must be economically advantageous to recycle it
  • material properties – recycling must be cheap, energy-efficient
  • material composition – the material must not contain components that technically prevent recycling.

Factors affecting recyclability can be classified as primary (given by the structure of the product) and secondary (affected by the chain from the consumer to the processor).

Primary factors:

  • General problematic materials: PVC, polycarbonates, POM, PS, bioplastic, etc.
  • Combinations of materials: laminating, packaging x lid, material mixtures
  • Adding additives: various blockers, etc.
  • Inappropriate labels – sleeves, etc.
  • High printing rate, inappropriate printing inks: mineral oils, hazardous substances, etc.
  • Colours in the mass
  • Materials “attracting” food residues
  • Waste packaging processing is always lagging behind packaging development.

Secondary factors:

  • Food residues in packaging increase the demands regarding washing waste, increase the likelihood of mould formation.
  • Content residues affecting recycling – chemicals.
  • Contamination in the container, collection vehicle, during storage, transport – organic and mineral impurities.
  • Unusual material: its occurrence is so infrequent that it isn’t economically worth dealing with it…
  • Poorly distinguishable (easily interchangeable) material…
  • Organisational and economic conditions of the sorting line, demand.

If it is possible in terms of production technology, company strategy and marketing, try considering the following recommendations when designing new packaging:

  • Use common, mass-occurring and easy-to-recycle materials – PE, PP, PET, paper, glass etc.
  • Wrap food in a simple, thin material (PE, Al, etc.)
  • Don’t combine materials.
  • Limit composite materials, material mixtures, coloured materials.
  • Reduce packaging additives.
  • Limit printing, use eco-friendly materials for printing.
  • Mark the product material in a distinct way (to facilitate sorting).
  • Provide correct handling information on the packaging uses.

Technologies and conditions for waste recycling are still developing. New ways of recycling previously hard-to-recycle waste are starting to appear on the market.
Please understand, when developing and designing packaging, that it must get through the above phases as easily as possible, from consumer sorting, through re-sorting on the sorting line to processor recycling. Therefore you can create more eco-friendly packaging.



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