Green bin

1) New glass products

New glass is formed by melting the glass batch at temperatures above 1100 °C. Recycled clear glass can be produced only from clear separated glass. Glass can be recycled almost infinitely with no loss in quality.

2) Broken plate glass, 3) Clear shards, 4) Mixed-colour shards

Glass from the white and green containers is separated into clear and coloured glass. Plate glass can be separated together with coloured glass in green containers.

Glass batch

The raw materials in the glass batch and their fractions determine the end properties of the glass. The glass batch together with the shards is called the charge – this is melted further.

5) Glass-making sand, 6) Limestone, 7) Potash, 8) Soda, 9) Feldspar, 10) Borax 11) Virgin glass wool

Using centrifugal force, the melted glass is forced through the fine jets of a rotating screen to form thin fibres.

12) Glass wool

This thermal insulation is produced from virgin glass wool by spraying with further additives.

13) Foam glass

Foamed glass represents an excellent thermal insulation during a construction of foundation of a building. This almost 100% recycled product is made of crushed or granulated packaging glass that after melting and adding a chemical agent such as carbon or limestone gets foamed and forms the closed-cell structure that has very good thermal properties.



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