
Plastic belongs in a yellow container. Plastic occupies the most space in the average Czech waste bin. Therefore, it is not only important to sort it, but also to press or crumple them before throwing them away. Beverage cartons or metals are also sorted along with plastic waste in some cities and municipalities. It depends on local conditions and technical equipment on sorting lines where the waste is collected. For this reason, it is important to study labels on individual containers. In addition to the symbols listed below, you can also dispose of packaging waste marked with the number 7 in these containers.

Značky, které se využívají k označování plastových obalů a výrobků.

Waste that belongs to a plastic waste container includes films, bags, plastic bags, crushed PET bottles, packaging from laundry, cleaning and cosmetics products, cups from yoghurts, dairy products, packaging films from consumer goods, CD packaging and other plastic products.

Throw packaging foam polystyrene in there in smaller pieces; it is better to take it to collection yards.

On the other hand, do not throw greasy packaging with food or cleaning products residues, packaging from corrosives, paints and other hazardous substances, floor coverings or PVC tubes into this container.



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